Article 1 - Purpose and amount of the Mobility Grants
The Osteoarthritis Foundation, located at 22B rue de Fraigneux in Boncelles, Belgium, organises the award of mobility grants financed by the Tilman Laboratory (ZI Sud 15, 5377 Somme-Leuze, Belgium).
These two grants are intended to encourage the mobility of doctoral students by contributing financially to projects involving a stay in a laboratory outside their home laboratory. The grants finance future projects and do not reimburse expenses incurred prior to the submission of the application.
The Board of the Osteoarthritis Foundation votes on the allocation of grants.
Doctoral students' thesis topics must concern clinical or basic research on osteoarthritis. Under no circumstances may the work be devoted to the study of a commercialized treatment or diagnostic method. It must not be funded by a company and must not be the subject of a conflict of interest.
The winners of the Mobility Grants will each receive the sum of 3,750 (three thousand seven hundred and fifty) euros.
Article 2 - Eligibility requirements
Mobility Grants are open to all doctoral students who have been registered for at least one year. They are not applicable for travel in the framework of a co-tutoring.
The application form can be downloaded from the Osteoarthritis Foundation's website or requested by e-mail at the following address:
The completed application form must be sent to with a request for acknowledgement of receipt before
15/08/2022 at midnight. No applications will be accepted after this date.
Each researcher can send only one application. It must be endorsed and motivated by the thesis promoter.
No incomplete or non-compliant applications will be processed.
Article 3 - Information to be provided
The candidate affirms that he/she has no subordinate relationship with the Osteoarthritis Foundation or the Tilman Laboratory.
The file includes :
- An information sheet which must be completed in full;
- The candidate's curriculum vitae (maximum 2 pages);
- The scientific project of which the mobility is a part (1 page maximum) ;
- An attestation mentioning the acceptance of the doctoral student in the host laboratory;
- A description of the objective(s) of the mobility;
- A financial plan describing the expenses to be covered and the amount requested from the Arthrosis Foundation (maximum 3,750 euros). In the case of own funds or co-financing, the source and use must be specified.
- The detailed opinion of the thesis director.
Article 4 - Selection criteria
The selection criteria for the Mobility Grants are as follows:
- Expenditure must be incurred in the academic year following the submission of the application and must correspond to a stay of at least 2 weeks;
- The quality of the scientific project (specifying the timetable and activities of the stay) and the financial estimate;
- The adequacy between the host structure and the scientific project (links with the research themes and/or fieldwork);
- The relevance of the mobility to the candidate's doctoral career;
- Financial feasibility of the project (including self-financing);
- The financing of the doctoral thesis.
Article 5 - Jury
The jury is composed of members of the Osteoarthritis Foundation and Tilman Laboratory SA.
The jury decides independently on the award of mobility grants. The jury's deliberations are and must remain confidential.
The jury is chaired by
Prof. B. RENTIER (Honorary Rector of the University of Liège, President of the Scientific Committee of the Osteoarthritis Foundation).
Jury members may not participate in the deliberation if there is a conflict of interest.
The decisions of the jury are final and cannot be challenged. Any dispute will be decided in the last resort by the jury.
Article 6 - Commitments
By applying for a mobility grant offered by the Osteoarthritis Foundation, the applicant formally undertakes to :
- Associate the Osteoarthritis Foundation in communications and/or publications arising from its mobility;
- Provide a short (one page) activity report at the end of the mobility to present the conditions and contributions.
- Participate (face-to-face or distance learning) in the Osteoarthritis Foundation's Awards and Grants ceremony.
Article 7 - Image rights
The photo and the name of the winner may be published for the promotion of the Award. The winner agrees to cede free of charge, for a maximum of one year, his/her image rights for the publication of the said photograph and his/her name in the context of the promotion of the Grant. He/she also agrees to participate in any action to promote the Grant in the press and on the Osteoarthritis Foundation's website.
Article 8 - Acceptance of the Regulation
The mere fact of applying for the Tilman Laboratory Mobility Grant implies unreserved acceptance of these rules.